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Disaster Recovery Services

ServiceMaster at Bakersfield

Disaster Recovery

In the unfortunate event that you experience a natural disaster, it can start to feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a life-changing experience that can be mentally, physically, and emotionally taxing. ServiceMaster at Bakersfield is here to help. We strive to be a resource to those who have been through a disaster and need assistance in navigating the aftermath.

The good news is that Disaster Restoration efforts often start while emergency response activities are still underway. This process is focused on restoring, redeveloping, and revitalizing communities and their members that have been affected by a disaster. Keep reading to learn more.

Important Considerations

While there is comfort in knowing that help is on the way, there are still some things you can do in the meantime to start heading down the road to healing. The most important thing to do is ensure that you and your loved ones remain safe. Check your surroundings for safety above all else. You’ll need to have serious injuries treated by a medical professional. Small wounds can be cleaned with soap and water. In order to prevent infection, use bandages and replace them often if they become damaged or dirty.

What You Can Do

Emergency responders need phone lines to be available, so only make calls if it’s absolutely necessary. Stay calm and pace yourself. If you were ordered to leave your home, you should only return once it’s been deemed safe by authorities.

Upon returning, you’ll need to check the safety of your home. You’ll need to check the status of structural elements and utility services. You should avoid driving directly after a disaster has occurred. Roads need to remain clear for emergency vehicles. If you must drive, do not attempt to drive on flooded roads. Listen to your radio or television station to remain informed.

Emotional & Financial Recovery

There will inevitably be an emotional response to a disaster. While this is normal, you should still be paying attention to how you’re feeling during this time. Symptoms include loss of appetite, having trouble staying focused, feeling drained, and arguing with loved ones, which are all normal reactions.

According to Red Cross, if you experience symptoms for longer than two weeks, you may need to reach out for additional assistance. Do not hesitate to contact your local Red Cross Disaster Mental Health or another mental health professional. You can also contact the Disaster Distress Hotline. There are plenty of resources available to aid in your Disaster Restoration.

When the dust has settled and everyone is safe, you will eventually need to address your financial well-being. You should contact your insurance company as soon as you’re able so you can report the details of any damage that has occurred. They will help you through the claims process but as a general rule of thumb, be sure to keep records of everything.

We hope this information on Disaster Restoration has been helpful. If you need more information, ServiceMaster at Bakersfield, CA, would be happy to assist you. We’re proud to serve Arvin, California City, and Frazier Park.